Medical Educational Industrial Forum in Taipei

多年來,本會致力於偏鄉義診以及醫學學術交流,在這當中接觸到國際間不同領域的優秀人才,大家的志向一致,卻苦無機會一同努力。於是在2019年編制工商學術交流委員會, 亞太中華青年教育顧問團,將跨領域新興概念帶入本會的軸心,讓醫學、工商、教育這三個領域,攜手一齊進步,互推互助產生一股新的力量。

For many years, APCMGU devoted into free medical services and medical academic exchanges. Through these exchanges, we met all sorts of talented people in different fields. We shared the same belies but could not get a chance to work together. Therefore, APCMGU especially organized INDUSTRIAL ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE and ASIA PACIFIC CHINESE YOUTH EDUCATIONAL COUNCIL in 2019 and brought in the new concept of cross-field into the core of APCMGU. Finally, Medical, Industrial and Educational started working side by side and generated a new force of mutual pushing and lifting.


APCMGU held three forums on 16th Nov. and 15th Dec. ,2019 and 3rd Jan. ,2020. From the heart of Taiwan, HsinChu City to the Capital, Taipei City and returned to the homeland of APCMGU, Taichung City. These three forums attracted more than 600 people in 3 months and each forum invited international wide talented to give presentations on their specialties. All the speeches were given on the point of views of the professionals but explained in details so that the audience could have a better understanding and truly gained new knowledge.