- Words from the Chairperson -

學會成立距今即將邁入第八個年頭:回顧過去三年,在艱困的疫情中,幸有 夏理事長的堅定領導;諸理監事與眾多會員的不懈支持,與社會各界人士的共同努力,本會都能本著學會成立的初心,在防疫的情況下,舉辦各種義診與交流活動。
The Asia Pacific Chinese Medical Global Union (APCMGU) is about to celebrate its eighth year of establishment. Looking back on the past three years of the epidemic, we are fortunate to have the firm leadership of Chairman Hsia and the unremitting support of every supervisor, Union members, and the joint efforts of people from all walks of life. It is through their efforts that the union can hold many voluntary medical consultations and exchange activities under the circumstances of epidemic prevention, in line with the initial faith of the Union's establishment.
I sincerely appreciate and accept the entrustment of all members to continue the excellent foundation laid by Chairman Hsia and everyone in the previous two sessions. After the pandemic ends and the country reopens, I will continue to organize cross-border free clinic activities, exchanges, and lectures on medical education. The Union will make every effort to stay the course to benefit the people in the Asia-Pacific region by Taiwan's medical and economic advantages.
As always, our members not only spent their own resources but also proactively and spontaneously organized various talented people to go to rural areas of Cambodia; volunteers even gave up their long-lost vacations and followed the medical team into new and unfamiliar places where some patients suffered from unknown diseases. Medical lectures also continue, bringing into the forefront new topics and new fields. The most touching thing is, the Cambodian medical students who were keen to participate in our free clinics before the epidemic are now licensed doctors and still come back to help us and our fellow Cambodians without forgetting their first heart! If there is an opportunity, we also plan to invite our Cambodian friends and students to visit Taiwan.
Although the time passed quickly in Cambodia with the assistance of Chairman Jiang, Honorary Director of the Cambodian Chamber of Commerce, we held a cross-field seminar, and we were honored to invite Duke Ly Kunthai of Cambodia to come and give us guidance. Many scholars and experts from different fields attended the meeting and they all expressed their full confidence in Cambodia's current situation and the promising future development!
We firmly believe that life can leave lasting memories for generations. We are always deeply grateful for the opportunities to help others! We hope that all our friends will continue progressing with us with renewed energy and ideas accumulated during the pandemic. The operation of the Union requires new thinking, planning and arrangements. We sincerely invite everyone to brainstorm and provide your valuable ideas and input to the Union so we can continuously improve, using Taiwan as our base and meeting the challenges of the World in the future!
Once again, I would like to thank all the Board of Directors and Supervisors, especially Chairman Hsia and all the members for their support and help during the pandemic and also their selfless dedication and efforts which is the reason why the union can develop so well despite the pandemic. In the next three years, we will work hard together and be more diligent to stay the course and face the challenges to come!
理事長 謝孟亨醫師
Chairperson, Dr. Hsieh, Meng-Heng
Former Director of Intensive Care Unit, Taoyuan Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Attending Physician of Chest Medicine, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial
Assistant Professor, Academic Section of Chest Medicine, Linkou
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital