2017 年 10 月 9 日,本會與柬國當地 CMVA 柬埔寨醫學志工協會 (Cambodian Medical Volunteer Association) 共同舉辦醫學學術研討會,榮幸特地邀請泌尿科專科黃建銘醫師主講:
On 2017.10.09, APCMGU co-organized a Medical Seminar with our association in Cambodia named “Cambodian Chinese Medical Association (CCMA)”, and with a local NGO named “Cambodian Medical Volunteer Association (CMVA)” had honorably invited an Urology specialist Dr. Jeremy Chien-Ming Huang, M.D., M.A. to deliver two topics:
(1)當代泌尿科執業 Contemporary Urology Practices
(2) 泌尿外科機器人手術 Robotic Surgery in Urology
深入淺出,深獲柬國醫學院師生一致好評。 此次義診及學術研討會任務圓滿成功。
Both lectures were profound but easy understanding which won high reputation and responses from all medical professors and doctors. It was a great success for this trip, included medical services and Medical.